Slow Cooker Expert Interview

Best Tips for Slow-Cooker Stews, Chilis & Curries It is hard enough to make healthy, hearty stews and chilis on the stovetop, where you Have the benefit of browning and reduction to come up with big, bold flavors, not to mention Total control of temperature to ensure that everything is cooked correctly. But in the Slow cooker, achieving this is even harder. Sure, the moist, gentle heat of the slow cooker helps nourish lean proteins without much Additional fat, but it took some test kitchen creativity to come up with slow-cooker stews and Chilis that were equally healthy and worthy of the dinner table. Here is what we have learned. (For more information, see our guide on chicken and vegetable broths and their sodium contents.) Handle Vegetables with Care We worked hard to pack our stews with interesting combinations of vegetables, so Naturally we also focused a great deal of focus on ensuring that they were perfectly cooked. For stews that had a short stay in the slow cooker, stur...